Statistics Canada speaks


1.2 million Aboriginal peoples across Canada
50-plus Aboriginal languages spoken in Canada
115 National Historic Sites commemorating Aboriginal themes
It might hit you while lying beneath the stars during a night of tipi camping. You're on a sacred lands where Aboriginal peoples hunted and worshipped  thousands of years ago. Learn the distinctions among Inuit, Metis and First Nations peoples (including hundreds of diverse tribes), each with their own histories, cultures and traditions.  Visit cultural centres shaped like longhouses.  Watch a Haida carver shape a mythic whale from a chunk of stone.  Tap your feet before Inuit musicians bathed in the glow of the midnight sun.  Sway and stomp at a drumming circle during a summer pow wow.

Listen closely and you'll hear the ancient thunder of bison and learn the language of Blackfoot at a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Journey through ancient towering rainforest into the soul of Aboriginal wisdom, myth and storytelling.  Watch the loons soar as you paddle a canoe down a river wilderness. Join Aboriginal peoples at a traditional feast or share stories around the campfire. Savour wild salmon grilled on a fragrant cedar plank. Awaken in the morning to the aroma of freshly baked bannock bread.



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